Street racing takeovers flood the Vegas Valley, leading to a man getting shot

We’re getting a first-hand look at what happens when local intersections are taken over.
Published: Dec. 3, 2024 at 12:26 AM PST
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LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - We’re getting a first-hand look at what happens when local intersections are taken over.

Hundreds of onlookers were treated to a quick show this Thanksgiving weekend that left a lasting impression.

Those drivers left their mark all over town. Tire tracks from drivers doing donuts and driving recklessly fill the intersections like the industrial corridor in Spring Valley.

The spectacle and the noise got the attention of Doug Roberts with Live Core Productions who followed the street takeovers all over the valley.

“I had heard over the scanner that there was a street takeover. By the time I had gotten there, it was already broken up,” Roberts said.

Roberts says the action started on near the Strip on Ali Baba and Polaris Saturday night into Sunday morning.

Next up, Badura Avenue and Edmond Street just south of the 215. Finally, the last car meetup in North Las Vegas where police tell FOX5 a 22-year-old man was shot.

Police reported he was taken to the hospital in stable condition.

Roberts shared it’s all preventable, but he was surprised at how coordinated it all was.

“It’s a dangerous form of entertainment. One person or one vehicle would go out in the intersection, do the donuts. Then they would leave and another vehicle would emerge from the line and do it and it would just go again and again, they would just get back in line.”

That is until police showed up.

Roberts explained it went like this: police would respond to an intersection after getting calls of reckless driving. Everyone would scatter, only to do it again a short while later.

Roberts says it was all put together on Instagram.

“So at a red light I could hear them talking,” Roberts said. “One of them was saying my GPS is telling me to go straight. The other one is saying but the address is to the left. So I knew they’re all headed to the same address.”

The illegal street racing is on Metro’s radar.

The department plans to address the issue on Wednesday at the Southeast Area Command, along with Commissioner Jim Gibson whose office has taken a lot of calls about street racing in the area.

FOX5 previously reported on Metro’s Reckless Apprehension Intervention Detail team, also known as raid.

The goal is to crack down on street racing and takeovers.

Last year, the team made 280 arrests for reckless driving.