How to update your voter registration contact information in Nevada
Clark County looking to contact thousands of voters with invalid mail-in-ballot signatures.
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5)-Thousands of voters have mailed or dropped off their ballots at a mail-in ballot drop box. However, a few thousand people did not sign their ballot return envelope, or the signature on the envelope didn’t match the signature on other electronic documents on file.
In the 2022 General Election, Clark County election officials say more than 7,000 votes didn’t count because election workers could not reach a voter to verify their signature.
This is why voters need to provide updated contact information.
The Nevada Secretary of State’s website allows voters to include an email address and phone number so that election officials can contact them either way.
Here are the steps to add or update your contact information.
- Go to the Nevada Secretary of State website:
- You will see multi-colored sections, click “Update My Existing Voter Registration.”
- Read the “Online Voter Registration” information and click “Continue.”
- You must check a “Legal Notice” that confirms you understand the penalties for filing a false voter registration.
- After checking the box, click “Continue.”
- You will now see the “Nevada Voter Registration Eligibility” alongside a selection of boxes that must be checked accurately.
- Next, you will see “Voter Information,” which must be filled out.
- You will see this message, “ALERT! You are already registered to vote in Clark County!”
- You can then proceed to update your registration.
Next, you will need to “Review and Update Address Information.” On the next page, you will see sections where you can update your email address and phone number.
Once complete, you will review your information and confirm your signature.
After you fill everything out, you can update your registration.
You can then print the page, and you may see an email notifying you that your online voter registration has been confirmed.
It is important to note that the email and phone number in your registration are public and can be viewed by others.
However, you can fill out a confidentiality form that will hide that information.
Clark County election officials say your information may take 7-10 days to be hidden.
The confidentiality form may be dropped off in person at the Clark County Election Center, emailed, mailed, or faxed.
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