Auto thefts at airports spike during holiday season, Las Vegas police increasing patrols

Auto theft up at major airports, Metro: increased holiday presence at Harry Reid parking lots
Published: Nov. 28, 2024 at 12:10 AM PST
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LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - This Thanksgiving holiday travel period is projected to be one of the busiest ever.

The TSA is expecting to screen more than three million passengers by the end of Wednesday night and even more on Sunday, potentially setting an all-time one-day record.

At airports across the country, auto theft is a big concern this holiday season.

Thousands of vehicles have been stolen from airport parking lots. Airports across the country have been targeted by a national car theft ring from Dallas to Salt Lake to Las Vegas. Metro says as with every holiday, they have a plan in place to have an increased presence in the parking areas.

The Gray Television National Investigative Team, InvestigateTV+, got the numbers from 18 major airports across the country, car theft numbers doubling year over year: Investigate TV - Airport Car Theft

In Atlanta, more than 300 cars have been taken this year so far. Dallas Airport Police says they arrested members of a group hitting multiple airports stealing $5 million dollars’ worth of cars. They were found with a key fob reprogramming tool. The suspects previously arrested in Nevada for car theft.

At Harry Reid, last year 45 thefts were reported last year. So far this year, 34 have been reported.

The National Investigative Team also met with a reformed car thief, a former marine, at the Denver Airport who can steal a car in seven seconds but now he’s helping police spot vulnerabilities.

Hondo Underwood says thieves, working in pairs, come in in one car, steal another quickly, and piggyback through the exit without paying.

“People park luxury vehicles like a Rolls Royce, and you’re leaving this million-dollar vehicle parked…while you’re taking a flight somewhere,” Underwood recounted.

Like luggage, it is a good idea to hide an air tag in your car. That way if it is stolen while you are away, you can help police track it down.

Auto theft has become such a big problem nationwide at airports a Colorado congresswoman is now proposing a new law that would give federal money to increase airport parking security.

FOX5 asked Metro about the reports of teams hitting airports across the country and stealing vehicles asking if there is any special task force this holiday season. They emphasized their increased holiday presence and ask for your help by reporting any suspicious activity. If you see something, call 702-828-7777.