NDOW: 2 coyotes removed from Henderson as concerns grow, pet attacks continue

Coyote attacks on pets continue in the Cadence area and surrounding neighborhoods in Henderson including Calico Ridge.
Published: Sep. 25, 2024 at 10:03 PM PDT
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LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - Coyote attacks on pets continue in the Cadence area and surrounding neighborhoods in Henderson including Calico Ridge.

Neighbors report several attacks on dogs, some out on walks, others hunted in their own backyards, some deadly. They say cats have been killed as well. Wednesday, those neighbors say they talked to game wardens who were out in the area looking for coyotes.

Also Wednesday, pictures were shared with FOX5 taken at a bus stop in the Tuscany community showing a coyote right next to a child waiting for the bus.

The next day. The Nevada Department of Wildlife said the US department of Agriculture APHIS Wildlife Services removed an adult male and female coyote from Cadence Park.

NDOW engages Wildlife Services in areas where coyotes have demonstrated signs of aggression toward humans.

The communities all border the Las Vegas Wash and Wetlands. NDOW says that’s coyote territory and easy food sources bring them into neighborhoods.

The owner of Belle, a 9-year-old yorkie says a coyote that got into her backyard in Calico Ridge killed her dog this summer and also attacked her schnauzer Roxy.

Neighbors say they are seeing more coyotes than ever before that are not fearful of other canines or humans. “Just the last month or so. I see them regularly. I would say every other day,” shared Wayne Tanner.

Tanner was on a walk with his chihuahua Orion in Cadence when he felt something was watching them.

“In the corner of my eye, I saw something sneaking up on me ...I picked up my dog... I was yelling but it was still sneaking up so I picked up a rock and threw it at him,” Tanner recounted.

Neighbors say they shared their coyote concerns with NDOW game wardens who were out checking the neighborhoods after multiple calls but even if a game warden spots a coyote, it might not be immediately apparent if it is a threat.

“If you don’t have eyes on that coyote, neither do I, so if that coyote then goes back to the Las Vegas Wash or desert somewhere and there’s 30 others out there. How do I tell which one of those is the offending coyote,” question NDOW Public Information Officer Doug Nielsen.

NDOW says if they can determine coyote is a public danger, they will act.

“People need to understand that if they call and they say, ‘oh my gosh I’ve got an aggressive coyote,’ and it meets that requirement, it will be euthanized,” Nielsen explained.

NDOW told FOX5 Wednesday they say they suspect the problems are coming from the same pack of animals and that someone is feeding them. One neighbor on social media mentioned she has seen dog food left out in one of the construction areas. NDOW also says water sources like the Cadence Pond or sprinklers also attract coyotes.

NDOW say they will continue to monitor the situation. They say they expect coyote activity to slow as the weather cools down.

They also say make sure your yard is well maintained. That there aren’t bushes for them to hide in and pick up after your dog uses the bathroom because that too can attract coyotes.