UNLV student murals transform Beam Hall in honor of shooting victims
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - Six murals created by UNLV student artists outside Beam Hall pay tribute to the three professors who lost their lives during the December 6 tragedy, and convey a message of hope and healing.
UNLV announced the selection of six murals, all placed on pillars at the entrance to Beam Hall. People can stroll from piece to piece, read the description and scan a QR code to learn more about the artwork.
Art students Anjelo Vigilia and Haide Calle created one of the murals titled “UNLV Strong.” Each element of the painting teapot and teacups, a microphone, and a book written by Naoko Takemaru pays tribute to the School of Business professors. The flowers symbolize their students.
“I want people to think about UNLV Strong,‘” said Vigilia, when he asked what he wants people to take away from viewing the murals. “I want them to think about how resilient this college campus is- not just the artists-but the whole campus itself,” he said.
“Art is made with love, and when somebody looks at that art piece, that love is translated from the artist to that viewer,” Vigilia said.
To learn more about each art piece and each artist, click here: UNLV Memorial Tributes
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