Growing homeless encampment causes problems for apartments by UNLV
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - A growing homeless encampment is causing problems for apartments right by UNLV, and workers and managers want solutions from Clark County leaders.
Two blocks east of UNLV and Maryland Parkway, camps congregate right along Escondido Street. When FOX5 surveyed the scene Friday, crews saw ten tents on both sides of a single block.
Managers from two surrounding complexes tell FOX5, they battle dumpster-diving, trash from drugs and human waste, car break-ins and repeated apartment break-ins from squatters targeting vacant units.

Shelly Stratton, who manages Tamarus Park apartments, tells FOX5 that one single unit has been targeted and vandalized 16 times. Vandalisms have cost the complex thousands of dollars for repairs and cleanups from biohazard crews.
“Our tenants are afraid. They have to live around this regularly, and I really want to try to help clean that up for them,” Stratton said, who attends community safety meetings with other businesses and stakeholders in the University District to advocate for the complex and tenants.
Stratton said that apartment staff and other complexes are familiar with the “Fix It” App and report problem individuals and trash regularly; the encampments repeatedly return.
“We go to community meetings. The managers meet at the police station regularly. We’re all doing our part to try to get this area under control. Now, we’re knocking on Tick Segerblom’s door to ask him if he can help us with this issue,” Stratton said.
FOX5 asked Commission Chair Tick Segerblom about solutions for the area. It lies in Commission District E.
Segerblom and staff made contact with Stratton and another apartment manager.
Segerblom said he would alert Metro of the criminal problems surrounding apartment break-ins and squatters.
“We’re all sympathetic for the homeless, but the current homeless [people in the area]- there’s a criminal element there, and they do not want to take services. They don’t want to come off the street,” Segerblom said.
“We’ll bring the police in, bring in the social workers, bring in the HELP team, Public Works to remove the stuff-- and consciously work on this neighborhood,” Segerblom said.
The area will be swept and cleaned Monday morning, Segerblom said.
Recently, Clark County commissioners passed an ordinance to ban public camping. If people do not move their encampment, they can face a punishment of a citation or arrest; the ordinance cannot be enforced if there are no beds at local shelters.
To get more shelter beds on the east side, Segerblom recently proposed a small increase to the county sales tax to fund resources from the homeless. The proposal was defeated; Segerblom tells FOX5, he may put forth a detailed proposal next year with a specific plan for the funds.
“No one likes a tax, but this is a tax where you can see the benefit and you can see what we need to do,” he said.
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