Committee wants top CCSD schools with AC issues to address hot classrooms

The CCSD Bond Oversight Committee met this week and asked CCSD officials about providing a list of schools with the most pressing air conditioning issues.
Published: Nov. 21, 2024 at 6:27 PM PST
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LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - The CCSD Bond Oversight Committee met this week and asked CCSD officials about providing a list of schools with the most pressing air conditioning issues.

The committee has been concerned about hot classrooms and discussed the issue at several of its meetings.

FOX5 reported extensively on hot classrooms at the beginning of the school year.

PREVIOUS: Committee member says over 90 Clark County schools could have AC problems

“Which ones can we start to address so that we don’t find ourself in the same situation?” said Bond Oversight Committee member, Yvette Williams.

“We want to make sure that our teachers, our staff, our students are, can just go to their perfect learning environment. And yea, this conversation might be hard,” said Bond Oversight Committee member, Abraham Camejo.

Brandon McLaughlin, the Assistant Superintendent of Construction with CCSD, said something can be put together for the committee. However, the Bond Oversight Committee has already received a list of schools with air conditioning issues and a rating, which indicates whether it’s more cost effective to replace a school’s AC system or repair it.

Committee member Jeana Blackman-Taylor reminded the group that when it comes to maintenance costs, that is not within the scope of bond funds being used, which has been raised at previous meetings.

Other members said they would only make recommendations to the Board of Trustees about taking care of CCSD schools with air conditioning problems, and it’s the board that would make final decisions.