Las Vegas doctor practices as dog chiropractor for over 20 years

As a video of a chiropractor working on a giraffe continues to circulate online, FOX5 sits down with an animal chiropractor right here in the valley.
Published: May. 20, 2024 at 5:16 PM PDT
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LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - A viral video making the rounds recently shows a doctor working on a giraffe, providing a chiropractic adjustment that cleared up some chewing problems.

The Las Vegas Valley is home to its share of animal chiropractors as well. Dr. Sidney Carter sees a dog named Mama J-Lo once a month for an adjustment.

“I thought she had hip displacement,” the dog’s owner said. “Came to see doc and it helped her right away.”

Dr. Carter has been twisting, tweaking and twerking out canine problem spots for over 20 years. It’s not a career path he was expecting to take.

“Chiropractor by trade,” Carter explained. “Getting ready for work, my dog jumps off the bed and hurts his back. I didn’t have the skills to help my own animal, so I went and got more education.”

He has been an animal chiropractor ever since. Raina, another patient, went to the dog park one day, sat down, and didn’t move. After being lethargic for about 24 hours, the dog came in to see Dr. Carter, who discovered a bulging disk on an X-ray.

Just minutes into her first session, the dog was already feeling better. Raina is three years old, but most of the dogs that come in to see the doctor are older, so Dr. Carter helps them keep some pep in their steps.

In addition to dogs, who make up the bulk of his business, Dr. Carter occasionally sees horses and cats too. He added that there is one pet he absolutely won’t work on: a scorpion.

If you think your pet could benefit, you can reach out to Dr. Carter at