18-year-old arrested for deadly shooting in northern Las Vegas

Las Vegas police arrested an 18-year-old for a shooting that killed one and injured another.
Published: Dec. 13, 2024 at 1:27 PM PST

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - Las Vegas police arrested an 18-year-old for a shooting that killed one and injured another.

The shooting happened Sunday in the 1900 block of D Street around 1:12 p.m. When officers arrived they found a man and woman suffering from gunshot wounds.

Both were taken to the hospital where the man would later die. The woman’s condition has yet to be released.

The Clark County Coroner identified the man as 36-year-old Paul Burkhart.

Police arrested Steven Bernard for the shooting Thursday. He was booked into the Clark County Detention Center for open murder charges.

Anyone with any information about this incident is urged to contact the LVMPD Homicide Sectionby phone at 702-828-3521, or by email at homicide@lvmpd.com. To remain anonymous, contact Crime Stoppers by phone at 702-385-5555, or on the internet at www.crimestoppersofnv.com.