UNLV holds remembrance ceremony in honor of Dec. 6 shooting victims

UNLV holds remembrance ceremony in honor of Dec. 6 shooting victims
Published: Dec. 6, 2024 at 10:47 AM PST

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - UNLV is honoring the lives of three professors killed in the Dec. 6 campus shooting Friday morning.

Professors Patricia Navarro Velez, Jerry Cha-Jan Chang, and Naoko Takemaru were fatally shot by a gunman who entered Beam Hall that morning.

Another professor, Daraboth “Bot” Rith, was critically injured but is now the only survivor. He is expected to give remarks during the ceremony.

UNLV is honoring the lives of three professors killed in the Dec. 6 campus shooting Friday morning.

In preparation, UNLV has unveiled multiple murals outside Beam Hall honoring the professors, and awarded three memorial scholarships to students in the same fields.

Students also spoke with FOX5 about crafting over 4,000 cranes that will be installed inside Beam Hall’s Atrium. The project is being led by Kylee Brahma and Chris Kyle Aguilar, students of Professor Naoko Takemaru.

The practice is known as Senbazuru, a Japanese tradition of folding paper cranes to symbolize hope, healing, and peace.

The remembrance ceremony is set to start at 11 a.m. in the UNLV Alumni Amphitheater.