North Las Vegas City Council candidate will not seek a recount, losing race by 8 votes

The North Las Vegas City Council Ward 2 candidate will not seek a recount, although the margin between his opponent is slim.
Published: Nov. 21, 2024 at 4:48 PM PST

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - The North Las Vegas City Council Ward 2 candidate will not seek a recount, although the margin between his opponent is slim.

Taylor claims the cost of a recount is too expensive.

In a Facebook post, Taylor shared that he and his team believed the recount would cost $2,500, but they were surprised to learn the recount fee is $156,000.

“Which is over three times as much as the salary of a City of North Las Vegas Council member,” said Robert “Twix” Taylor.

He explained without financial resources to cover the cost. Taylor would accept the final results.

Ruth Garcia-Anderson will claim the seat over Robert “Twix” Taylor by just eight votes.