Las Vegas union workers to picket, rally at Virgin Hotels amid ‘labor dispute’

Las Vegas union workers will gather outside Virgin Hotels on Thursday to hold a picket and rally amid the latest round of contract negotiations.
Published: Aug. 29, 2024 at 7:53 AM PDT

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - Las Vegas union workers will gather outside Virgin Hotels Thursday to picket amid the latest round of contract negotiations.

The Culinary and Bartenders Union announced a rally and picket on Wednesday, as workers continue to negotiate for a new five-year contract amid a labor dispute with the property.

This news comes after the union previously led over 700 hospitality workers out on a strike against the property in May. A first for the union in 22 years.

The picket line will form outside the property at 5:30 p.m.

Virgin Hotels provided FOX5 with the following statement in response:

“Virgin Hotels Las Vegas is disappointed by the Culinary Workers Union 226 and Bartenders Union Local 165 plan to picket our property this afternoon. We have made every effort to negotiate in good faith and prioritize the well-being of our team members. At the end of our last negotiating session on July 11, we informed the Union that we were willing to meet again as soon as the Union was ready to do so. Since then, the Union has not contacted us with any potential meeting dates. It is disappointing to us and all of our stakeholders that the Union is spending time trying to gain leverage through the media rather than working cooperatively and constructively to bring these negotiations to a mutually satisfactory conclusion. Our operations will be unaffected by the picket, and we remain committed to providing exceptional service.”