Trees removed outside Bellagio for F1 Las Vegas Grand Prix will return in December

Some of the trees that were removed outside of the Bellagio to make way for grandstands for F1′s Las Vegas Grand Prix will return in December.
Published: Nov. 30, 2023 at 6:42 AM PST

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - Some of the trees that were removed outside of the Bellagio to make way for grandstands for F1′s Las Vegas Grand Prix will return in December, according to MGM Resorts International.

The long-standing trees were removed from the sidewalk in front of the Bellagio in September as crews worked to construct a grandstand for the November F1 race.

In September, MGM Resorts advised that some of the trees will be transplanted into local parks while others will be replanted in front of the resort.

MGM Resorts this week said the plan to return to the trees to the area stands at sometime in December.

In terms of the Bellagio grandstands, MGM Resorts advised the structures will be coming down in the next couple of weeks in order to be ready for New Year’s Eve.