Sex offender returned to Nevada after hiding in Mexico for nearly two decades

CLARK COUNTY, Nev. (KOLO) - A convicted sex offender has been returned to the state of Nevada after the U.S. Marshals Service says he had been hiding in Mexico for 17 years.
Robert Sturgiss was placed back into custody at the Clark County Detention Center on Friday after he was arrested in Rosarito, Mexico on Dec. 13 by Mexican Immigration Officials. Sturgiss was wanted in Nevada for a parole violation.
He was convicted of having sexual contact with a 13-year-old victim in November 1991 and was sentenced to five years to life in prison.
However, in May 2005, Sturgiss was granted parole, and absconded from supervision in July 2007.
Sturgiss, a U.S. citizen, was turned over the U.S. Marshals Service at the border in San Diego, California.
“This arrest reflects our commitment to protecting victims and removing dangerous individuals through strong collaboration across the state,” said U.S. Marshal Gary Schofield.
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