Vegas Knight Hawks announce plans for Risk’s birthday in June

Content provided by Vegas Knight Hawks
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - The Vegas Knight Hawks announced today plans for Risk’s Birthday on Saturday, June 1. Vegas will take on the Northern Arizona Wranglers at 6 p.m. PT that evening while celebrating their beloved mascot. Risk’s Birthday is presented by WOW Carwash. All fans in attendance will receive a free car wash coupon from WOW when entering Lee’s Family Forum, along with a game day poster.
The Sam & Ash Tiltyard will open at 4 p.m. with interactive inflatable and games, and a free 360 degree photo booth. To help celebrate Risk’s birthday, superhero characters from Critical Care Comics will be in attendance and available to take photos with fans. Face painting will be available on the concourse.
The Knight Hawks are accepting donations for our annual Back to School Bash. Fans who donate 10 or more new school supplies will receive a free Vegas Knight Hawks mini football. Donation tables will be set up outside both the main and South entrances.
Prior to kickoff, Lee’s Family Forum will host four championship games for National Youth Sports Nevada (8U Coed, 12U Coed, 14U Coed, 17U Girls) starting at 8:30 a.m. that morning. To attend the championship games, fans can click here to purchase tickets. Anyone who purchases a Nevada Youth Sports Nevada championship ticket will also receive a ticket to the Knight Hawks game that evening.
Click here to purchase single-game tickets.
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