Pedestrian dies nearly two months later after Las Vegas crash near Twain, Decatur

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - A pedestrian has died over a month after crash near Decatur Boulevard north of Twain Avenue.
LVMPD identified the pedestrian as 68-year-old Raul Moran-Castillo.
60-year-old Janet Coleman was driving a 2007 Honda Accord while under the influence. Coleman was arrested following the crash for DUI charges, according to police.
On Oct. 27 police responded to the crash around 9:30 p.m. to discover the car traveling southbound collided with the pedestrian crossing westbound outside of a marked crosswalk.
Police report Coleman attempted to brake but ultimately hit the pedestrian.
Coleman remained at the scene and waited for police to arrive.
The department says the death occurred after the states thirty-day report limit, which is why it will not be counted as a traffic-related fatality for LVMPD in 2024.
The crash is still under investigation
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