Clark County planning for businesses affected by Super Bowl traffic

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - The Las Vegas Grand Prix was not all good news for surrounding businesses that were negatively impacted by traffic.
As we get ready for the Super Bowl, there is a similar concern for those located inside the stadium district.
Clark County Commissioner Michael Naft said there are around 830 different businesses within the stadium district that he oversees. Naft tells FOX5 that those working and living in the area of Allegiant Stadium will be impacted by road closures, but it will be a lot easier to manage than Formula One.
“You have a confined event. There is a location where the event is being held, its not a 3-mile circuit, there’s not thousands and thousands of business licensees in a circuit. You have 800 business licensees which most don’t operate on the weekends,” Naft explained.
Naft said they have had a year’s worth of meetings to game plan with each of the businesses.
“It’s really on an individual basis. That’s why I have been trying to work one-on-one with business owners, because everyone is in a different location. While there are 800 businesses in the stadium district, they have different needs, they have deliveries coming out, they have customers and some just have employees,” Naft said.
If you know you will be impacted, Naft advises that now is the time to start making plans.
He also issued a reminder that big road closures are still to come, with the Hacienda bridge closing off starting Jan. 26.
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